St. Michael’s Youth & Family Ministry welcomes and supports our students and their families. Students in 6th — 12th grade meet for youth group (EYC), small groups, Confirmation, Sunday School, fellowship and special events.
Email our general EYC mailbox with any questions about programming or to be added to our Youth & Family email list.
We Welcome Volunteers!
We are always looking for volunteers to help out with your youth and family activities! We’d love to have you join us. Reach out to Ashley or Brett to find out how to get involved.
To participate in any Youth Ministry programming, please complete the registration form below. Youth must be registered every year.
Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) is a student-led group that provides fun and fellowship, exploring relationships between ourselves, the world around us and with God.
Meets on Sunday evenings
Jr EYC (Grades 6-8) | 5:00 - 6:30 p.m.
Sr EYC (Grades 9-12) | 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Dinner for all | 6:00 - 6:30 p.m.
Events and Trips
Offered yearly, trips and events provide fellowship and strengthen relationships within the youth community. Previous offerings have included; Welcome Back/EYC Info Nights, Fall Retreat, Lock-In, the Parish Picnic, EYC Advent Party, Winter Ski Trip and service projects.
Youth and Leadership Committee
High school students serve on this committee to provide leadership, direction and planning for Youth Ministry at St. Michael’s.
St. Michael’s Confirmation curriculum is available for students beginning in the 8th grade and for anyone older wanting to make a mature commitment to Christ.
Preparation for Confirmation will help students discover the meaning of Christian commitment in their lives by learning about prayer, the Episcopal faith tradition and the Church.
Confirmation Education classes begin in January 2025. For more information contact our Youth leaders, Ashley, Brett and Andrew.
The Duff/Capps Higher Education Scholarship
High school seniors seeking higher education opportunities are encouraged to apply for The Duff/Capps Higher Education Scholarship. The scholarship was created by Claire Duff Capps as a project when she was a student at Broughton High School. The scholarship is named in honor of her later father, Bill Duff, a long-time parishioner of St. Michael’s.
The scholarship application will be available in February 2025.
Service Projects
Youth are encouraged to participate in service days throughout the school year and summer. Past projects have included working with local organizations like the Diaper Train, The Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC, StepUp Ministry, College Care Packages, Inter-faith Food Shuttle and more.
Summer Mission and Outreach
Our mission and outreach programs provide an opportunity for youth to experience service and the impact it has on a community’s needs during the summer break. Examples include serving meals at Step Up Ministry and volunteering for Vacation Bible School.
Acolytes are an integral part of Sunday worship and offer students the opportunity to experience worship by working with clergy close at hand. Students in the 6th-12th grades serve as torch bearers, jr. and sr. crucifers, Gospel bearers and flag bearers. Depending on the position, they also assist with Holy Communion.
If you’re interested in serving as an Acolyte or learning more, contact our Verger, Chip Chase.